Bald Eagles, a love of mine and obviously many others, I even had a tattoo of a Bald Eagle on my upper arm, now since been replaced with a dragon, long story.
A couple months ago while my daughter and I were photographing Blue Herons not to far from our home, a gentleman walked up and asked if we knew of this other location that had Bald Eagles and since we were both new to wildlife photography the answer was no. We truly appreciated the new information and made future plans to visit.
Well a couple months go by, I finally made the decision that it was time to visit this new location. My son and I loaded up early one Saturday morning and headed out not knowing what to expect, would they be there or not. Upon arriving we see other photographers already setup and taking pictures of these two beautiful eagles. Super excited, my son and I quickly found parking and headed back to the spot.
As we approach we can see these two eagles high in a tree, perched on some dead limbs. Can’t speak for my son, but for me, it was kind of an overwhelming moment. This is the first time I’ve ever seen Bald Eagles in the wild and to be able to photograph these birds was a dream come true!
Equipment I used to take this shot and settings. Sony A7RV with a 200-600mm G lens, this shot was handheld, 600mm, f8, 1/1000, iso 1600.